Cake Batter Milkshakes

have you attempted a cake batter milkshake or cake batter ice cream yet? when we had been at the ice cream keep over the holiday my more youthful brother saved speakme up this cake batter ice cream that they had and informed my I had to strive it, so I did and that i’m so satisfied I did because it was splendid! It tasted much like vanilla ice cream with a white cake blend blended in. I hardly ever get out the cake mix, I’m all about making things from scratch however these shakes wouldn’t be the equal with a homemade cake blend. They’d simply be missing that flavor we all love, the taste that reminds us of those batter included beaters we’d get to lick when we’d assist mother make a cake whilst we had been youngsters.


  • 1/2 cup vanilla or funfetti dry cake mix (from a boxed cake mix, I used Betty Crocker white), or more or less to taste
  • 1 cup milk*
  • Sprinkles (optional)
  • 2 cups vanilla ice cream


  1. combine all ingredients in a blender besides sprinkles. combo until smooth. Fold in sprinkles if preferred. Pour into cups and serve straight away, garnished with more sprinkles if favored.
  2. *you could update a number of this with half of and 1/2 or cream, just relying on how thick and wealthy you need it.
  3. be aware: I used mild corn syrup to paste sprinkles to rim of cup - simply a completely skinny layer. I poured the sprinkles in a field lid and rolled the corn syrup covered rim in sprinkles.

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