Raspberry Coconut Macarons

in case you follow me on Pinterest you could have observed via now that i really like macarons, I’m pinning them all of the time. they're so sensitive, i love their versatility of flavors and their vivid colors and in reality how ought to I resist them, they flavor like sweet. whenever we move on excursion I’m sure to seize a few – because they best sell them within possibly 2 hours of me. In California I cherished the salted caramel and the coconut macarons from Lette Macarons in Newport seashore, and for the duration of our current short time period move to Washington D.C. I cherished getting the crimson velvet macarons from The sweet lobby.


  • 3/4 tsp coconut extract
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • Red or pink food coloring (optional)
  • 3/4 cup raspberry jam
  • 115 grams almond flour (I used Bob's Red Mill)
  • 230 grams powdered sugar
  • 144 grams egg whites
  • 72 grams granulated sugar

  1. For macaron guidelines please go to the recipe here on Bravetart as this is the recipe I used, adding the 3/4 tsp coconut extract in location of the vanilla and tinting if preferred with meals coloring.
  2. allow macarons to cool completely. spread approximately half of Tbsp raspberry jam between 2 macarons. save in an hermetic container.

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